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Leanne W

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American, British, Australian


Leanne has always wondered what was happening elsewhere. In someone else's story, in some other universe. Now she spends her days immersed in fantastical, dark, and thrilling tales. She’s been behind a microphone for more than 30 years in radio and commercial voiceover. Her theater and Improv experience bring risk-taking, emotion, and depth to her performances.

When not narrating, she explores the "real" world with hikes into the wild and dangerous culinary experiments.



Non-Fiction Psychiatry
00:00 / 54:00:55
Romance 1st Person
00:00 / 79:51:17
Fantasy 3rd Person Dialogue
00:00 / 48:11:19
Historical Southern 1st Person
00:00 / 59:16:08
Thriller 1st Person Narrative
00:00 / 49:03:33

*Awards & Accomplishments*

*2021 Grand Winner - Audiobook Adrenaline Awards


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