Genre: Literary/Historical Fiction
Word Count: 90,000 total
Narrator: Male
Accent: Standard American
...the train made a stop at the border. My heart was pounding. Two military policemen boarded the train and searched each car, finally taking a person into custody. My car was spared, but …. What‘s going on?
1970, Vietnam era. Adam’s life changes forever when his lottery number is selected. Terrified, he flees to Canada as a draft dodger. He leaves behind all that matters to him ‒ his childhood sweetheart, Liz. Desertion of his country fills him with disgrace. Alcohol becomes his escape.
After college, Liz starts her own business, Elizabeth Bloom Advertising. Soon after, she meets Tom, a book developer. A whirlwind romance quickly leads to marriage. Does she know him well enough to trust him?
Six years later, when Adam returns home to the United States, an affair with a woman results in the birth of their daughter, Lillie. By the time she turns one, she is enamored with classical music, especially violin sonatas. As time passes, Lillie is diagnosed with autism. In an age of unawareness society shuns her. Does she let this stand in the way of her dream to become a violin virtuoso?
Six years earlier, unbeknownst to Adam, Liz is pregnant and raises their son, Will, on her own. Does Will know who his father is? At 9 years old, Will has run away from home, and now he is in danger.
Liz’s college friend, Anne, finds her identity after her husband leaves her for another woman. A court fight begins when a judge questions her ability as a lesbian to raise her two children. Does she have the fortitude to persevere and fight?
All their lives are connected by one man.
A moving story in a turbulent time in history when our country is at war; an unnecessary war of atrocity.