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Production Newsletter

Many times authors and publishers prefer an audition casting instead of spending time going through our list of narrators to find a voice they may like. This saves them time.

We post those auditions here.

Female American Narrator P.2307

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

NARRATOR SELECTED - Elizabeth Philips

This is a short audiobook of 3,100 words, meaning quite less than an hour of audio. Selected narrator will receive payment for one hour of audio

Title: The Legend Of Rami The Wolf

Author: Elizabeth Upson Stanley

Genre: Children's Book

Word Count: 3100

Narrator: Female

Accent: Standard American

Tone: Young and, aged as she ages toward end.

Performance: Energetic - happy. sad. to fit narrative - exciting to hold child's interest


The Legend of Rami the Wolf is a true story about a captive-born gray wolf that devoted her life as an Ambassador wolf to teaching people the value of wolves and of returning them to the wilderness to restore a healthy ecosystem. The story is told from Rami's perspective; her thoughts and dreams.

The story can be enjoyed by preschool children and read by young readers. It can open a discussion not only about wolves, but about the preservation of all wildlife, conservation of the habitat necessary for wildlife survival, and responsible stewardship of the natural resources of our planet.

P. Production

Please record your great performance and send over raw WAV files.

No EQ, No Compression, No Limiting or anything shall be applied.

(we recommend the punch n roll technique so you can save time from editing repeats and misreads) Auditions will be produced and forwarded to the publisher for author review and selection.

Click below to download Audition PDF

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