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Production Newsletter

Many times authors and publishers prefer an audition casting instead of spending time going through our list of narrators to find a voice they may like. This saves them time.

We post those auditions here.

American Male Narrator P.T2522

Updated: Aug 22, 2024

NARRATOR SELECTED - George Wesley Holland

Client: Publisher - ID P.T2522


Edtimated 50% payment when first recordings delivered and remainder upon completion

Information sent by the publisher

Genre: Non Fiction - History, Religion/Spirituality/New Age

Word Count: 25,499

Narrator: Male

Accents: Standard American

Voice Tone: Deep

Performance: Positive & Dramatic


Apostasy Can Lead a Nation to Self-Destruct: Will America Mend Its Ways and Return to God? is the study of two nations separated in time by several thousand years. From their founding, both nations and their people, for untold generations, were consecrated and dedicated to God. Who are these nations? They are ancient Israel and America.


Please record your great performance, send in raw "punch n roll" wav files. Recordings should be edited for mistakes and repeats but nothing more.

IMPORTANT: No EQ, No Compression, No Saturation, No Limiting or Normalizing. All that along with detailed edits for breath control, lip/mouth sounds, mixing, mastering will be done in our studio.


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